Soccer is Back! Here is Where you can Watch FCC

For everyone who is feeling up to such things, we're going to be hosting our first watch event of the year at our new OTR home Northern Row Brewery.

If you were there for our Open House, you saw they have a giant projector screen they'll be using only for FCC matches that is viewable from a large number of places in the bar. They also plan to have sound on for the match as well (since I know people care about hearing Tommy G).

Couple of things to keep in mind:

1. We're still in a pandemic, and even if you've been vaccinated/microchipped or had the virus already, we're still asking that you be cognizant of all rules regarding social distancing and mask wearing. Whenever you aren't in your seat, mask on. Period. Please respect NR's wishes to keep their business safe and away from the negative publicity that can come with a few bad photos of masks off.

2. It's a Saturday night and capacity for all bars/restaurants is lower than it was the last time we did a watch party. We also can't, in good conscience, ask for reserved tables right now because space is at such a premium for places that want to stay in business / make money-- so plan on getting down a little earlier and be sure to take care of the wait staff if you're staying through the match.

If we find that NR gets to capacity prior to kickoff, we'll make an announcement on our Discord Server and social media to let everyone know. If that happens, we'll encourage everyone to go to Molly Malone's in Covington -- which will also have the match on, with sound, and be eager to serve you a cold one + some food over hopefully an FCC victory!

We're trying to get back into the swing of things doing events and keeping the excitement for FCC going -- it's gonna be a bit of trial and error with capacity limits & pandemic restrictions. Please bear with us, wear your masks, and hopefully we'll get this right!

The Pride